Selecting the organization menu from the sidebar will show you the country branch to which you have been allocated. As a super admin you will have access to create a language into the the country branch that you are assigned. Depending on the content requirements of your company, you may have more than one language per country branch. For instance, if your company maintains content in English, German, and Italian but its origin is Germany, you will then need to set up three separate language branches for each of the languages that I mentioned.
You may begin creating a another language by hovering over the bottom part of the country branch. A blue line with a plus sign at its end will then appear. A highlighted box with a drop-down language selection, an "Add" and "Close" button will display when you click on this component. As many languages as your organization need may be created. You can create as many languages as your organization needs.
Important! A new Product Tree is necessary for each language that is generated, therefore keep that in mind whenever you establish a new Language for your organization.