Objects Repository
As you may have guessed, the Objects section of our Product Portfolio page is where your company might put all of its Objects / Loadable Family assets.
The list view will be the first screen you encounter when you go to the objects section. You may copy, remove, search for, or order objects in the list view. On top of the list view is a search bar with category, type and status filters. You may utilize the sorting feature by using the two arrows next to each column. At the end of each object row, a single remove, copy and history functionality is enabled. There is also a bulk apply capability for copying and deleting objects at the bottom menu.
The Add new button at the bottom may be used to add a new object. A pop-up window with the name, description, and a drop-down menu with options to select whether your item is generic or specific will show when you click it.
The definition for specific is when you input a objects to our cockpit that are produced by actual manufacturers. Everything else that is not being created by a real manufacturer is considered of as generic object.