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Attributes Groups - Repository

We developed attribute groups to simplify the workflow, allowing the user to pre-select certain attributes to be included in a group. Therefore, it can be quickly linked to an element at a later stage.

The list view will be the first screen you encounter when you go to the attribute group section. You may copy, remove, search for, or order attribute groups in the list view. On top of the list view is a search bar with status filters. You may utilize the sorting feature by using the two arrows next to each column. At the end of each attribute group, a single remove and copy functionality is enabled. There is also a bulk apply capability for copying and deleting attribute groups at the bottom menu.

You can create a new attribute group by clicking the Add new button at the bottom. When you click it, a pop-up window with a required name field appears. A new group for attributes will be created as soon as you enter the group name and confirm.